
Apple press event invitation - September 10, 2013

Apple will be hosting a press event Tuesday morning at its Cupertino campus. The invitations featured the above graphic, hinting at something…well, colorful? The rumor mills have been grinding away for weeks, with most knowledgeable sources believing the event will offer up new iPhone news.

For the record, Apple had this to say about it: __________________________.

It doesn’t look like the press event will be streamed live, although a recorded version may be posted later to Apple’s site. But fear not – a veritable army of mainstream and tech journalists will be in the audience, equipped with the heavy artillery of their trade: camera phones, laptops, pen and paper – and typically tenuous Wi-Fi and cellular networks.

Want to track the proceedings at 4 Infinite Loop Town Hall in real time? We recommend one or more (hurrah for multiple tabs and windows in your browser!) of these links:

Apple may buck recent trends and offer coverage of its own – possibly even live streaming video. You should be able to navigate to it via the “Apple Events” page of its website.

UPDATE 09.10.13 2:35PM: As expected, Apple has posted a video of the entire event to its site. You may view it here.