
Schatzii Screen Cleaning Smart Cloths , on sale this week at Connecting Point for just $1.99Here’s an idea: Extend your usual ritualistic ‘spring cleaning’ to all the many screens surrounding you.

Your HDTV. Your smartphone. Your tablet. Your laptop. Your smartwatch. The GPS in your car. Heck, these cool little cloths even do a spiffy job on headphones.

And the good folks at Schatzii have covered all the bases: the Schatzii Smart Cloth is dual sided, with plush buffing microfiber on one side and a specially-designed polishing microfiber on the other. They’re naturally hydrophilic, which means they’ll absorb oils and liquids from your screens like crazy. They’re anti-static, anti-dust, anti-mold, and anti-mildew. And if they start to get a little funky from all that cleaning, fear not: they’re machine washable.

We think you’ll quickly get used to having a Schatzii Smart Cloth along with you wherever you may roam. And to make that especially painless for you, we’re offering them – this week only, as our DOTW – for just $1.99. That’s 11 bucks off our regular $12.99 price.

Click here to learn more about this week’s DOTW – including a peek at some of the cool pattens and colors that are available.
