Deal of the Week | April 1, 2016: 13″ and 15″ Leather Laptop Sleeves for $1.99 (reg. $30)

Deal of the Week | April 1, 2016: 13″ and 15″ Leather Laptop Sleeves for $1.99 (reg. $30)

Simplism 13" and 15" Leather Laptop Sleeves for $1.99NO APRIL FOOLS JOKE HERE.These sleeves were originally designed for Apple MacBook Pro models – but they’ll work great with many other brands, too!

You’ll be hard pressed to find anything even approaching the quality of these sleeves at their regular price of $29.99. But on sale for just $1.99, they are an absolute steal.

Simplism 13″ and 15″ Leather Laptop Sleeve details:

  • Slim shape takes up very little room in your luggage or backpack
  • Rubber hook closure allows fast, stress-free access
  • Robust genuine leather rivet endures years of use
  • Raised inner fabric cushions your laptop securely
  • Document pocket holds important papers
  • Three small inside pockets
  • Pleasing, neutral beige color
  • DIMENSIONS: 13″ – 9.5 x 13.1 inches | 15″ – 10.3 x 14.5 inches

Bring your laptop into the store and try before you buy. If it fits, you’ll get years of security and protection for your laptop for under two bucks!

This offer runs from Friday, April 1st to Thursday, April 7th, 2016, or while supplies last. Sorry, no rain checks.BANNER-DOTW_yellow_reflect_640x160

Mac users: If you’re still holding out, should you upgrade to El Capitan?

Mac users: If you’re still holding out, should you upgrade to El Capitan?

BANNER Apple Mac OS X El Capitan 640x400Apple released OS X 10.11 El Capitan in September 2015, with the promise of “refining the experience and improving performance in lots of little ways.” That’s marketing speak for “you may not notice hardly any difference.” But just because the changes are minor doesn’t make the decision to upgrade any easier. Here’s why.

For the most part, El Capitan hasn’t caused compatibility problems, and most of those that did crop up immediately have been resolved…

On the one hand, you shouldn’t worry about El Capitan’s new features being hard to learn. Split View is the only truly new feature, and by merely clicking and holding the green zoom button in a window, you can assign it to a side of your screen, after which you can pick another window to occupy the other half. Other new features, such as expanded Spotlight searches, the shake-to-zoom feature for finding the lost pointer, more swipe gestures in Mail, the capability to mute tabs in Safari and pin other tabs so they can’t be closed accidentally, and an all-new Notes app, are all easy to figure out and at least moderately useful.

On the other hand, if whatever version of OS X you’re using now is working fine, why mess with it? If it ain’t broke… For the most part, El Capitan hasn’t caused compatibility problems, and most of those that did crop up immediately have been resolved, either by updates from other developers or by subsequent minor updates, which fixed nasty crashing problems experienced by Microsoft Office 2016 users.

Nevertheless, upgrading to El Capitan may require you to update many of your applications, and if you’re relying on a significantly older version of expensive software, like Adobe Creative Suite, it’s hard to justify even a free operating system upgrade if it comes with lots of hidden app upgrade costs.

Here, then, is the answer. First, don’t upgrade until you’ve talked it over with whoever helps you with technical problems you can’t solve on your own. (If you purchased your Mac from Connecting Point, call or drop in to talk it over with us.) There’s never any harm in waiting for Apple and other developers to fix more bugs.

But you will have to upgrade eventually, and that’s particularly true if you use an iPhone or iPad running iOS 9 and want to sync Notes between them. An El Capitan upgrade will also give you certain useful features in the included Apple apps, such as geotagging and editing extensions in Photos, and transit directions in Maps. And if something were to happen to your Mac and you had to buy a new one, it would come with El Capitan, so you don’t want to be caught flat-footed with incompatible software and a looming deadline.

So yes, do upgrade to El Capitan once you’ve been given the go-ahead by your tech, and do it on your own terms and your own schedule. It’s not hard, but if you’re anxious about it, an ebook called Take Control of Upgrading to El Capitan will walk you through the entire process.

TUTORIAL: How to launch apps from your Mac’s keyboard with Spotlight

ICON Mac OS X SpotlightThere are oodles of ways to launch apps in OS X. You can double-click an app in the Applications folder, click an app icon in the Dock, invoke Launchpad and click the desired app, or choose an app from the Apple menu’s Recent Items > Applications submenu. You can even add commonly used apps to the toolbar of Finder windows by Command-dragging them up there.

But what if you don’t want to take your hands off the keyboard? Is there any way to open an app without touching the mouse or trackpad? Indeed there is, courtesy of Spotlight.

You’re probably familiar with Spotlight as a search tool, both for finding files and folders on your Mac, and for ferreting out information on the Internet (in OS X 10.11 El Capitan, Spotlight can even find weather forecasts, sports scores, and stock prices). But what you may not realize is that among the files that Spotlight can find are all the apps on your Mac, and you can launch them with just a few keys. Follow these steps:

  1. Press Command-Space to display the Spotlight window.
  2. Begin typing an app’s name, such as “ac” for Activity Monitor. For apps whose names have multiple words, you can type the first letter of each, as in “ic” for Image Capture. And if an app name is a single InterCapped word, it’s fine to enter just the capitalized letters, as in “ft” for FaceTime. Spotlight searches, and while it should be nearly instantaneous, if it doesn’t show the app you want at first, give it a few seconds.Activity Monitor detail
  3. If the app you want to launch is highlighted as the top hit, press Return to launch it. If it’s not the top hit, you can either continue typing to narrow the search or arrow down to it in the list, and then press Return.

That’s all there is to it! As you might guess, you can use the same technique to open documents or even System Preferences panes.

Cleverly, Spotlight is adaptive so if the first time you type “ac” it suggests Adobe Content Viewer, once you select Activity Monitor instead, it will know that “ac” should open Activity Monitor in the future.

On the downside, Spotlight isn’t always as fast as you might like, and while it guesses relatively well, you may find that its conception of what an app is called doesn’t always match with what you want to type.

So give Spotlight a try, and if you find that you like launching apps from the keyboard but want the best possible experience, try one of the four excellent keyboard launcher utilities on the Mac: Alfred, Butler, LaunchBar, or QuickSilver. Alfred and QuickSilver are both free, whereas Butler costs $20 and LaunchBar—the most powerful and popular of the pack, is $29.

Deal of the Week | Feb. 26, 2016: Apple Thunderbolt Display for $799 (reg. $999)

Apple Thunderbolt Display on sale for $799.99 at Connecting PointMore than just a stunning 27-inch high-resolution LED-backlit display, the Apple Thunderbolt Display is the ultimate docking station for Mac notebooks. It lets 
you move data between your Thunderbolt-enabled Mac and compatible devices with lightning speed. A Thunderbolt port, a FireWire 800 port, three USB 2.0 ports, and a Gigabit Ethernet port make it a plug-and-play hub for everything you do. The Thunderbolt port alone lets you connect as many as six devices.

You’ve never seen a display quite like this:

  • Thunderbolt I/O technology for lightning-fast data transfer and daisy-chaining up to six peripherals
  • Works with all Thunderbolt-enabled Mac computers, including MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, 
Mac Pro, and Mac mini
  • 27-inch glossy LED-backlit widescreen display
  • 2560-by-1440 resolution
  • Thunderbolt port, FireWire 800 port, three USB 2.0 ports, and Gigabit Ethernet port
  • MagSafe connector that powers and charges your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air
  • Ambient light sensor
  • Built-in FaceTime HD camera and microphone
  • Built-in speaker system

Our everyday price for the Apple Thunderbolt Display is $999.99, and it’s an excellent value at that price point. But this week, while they last, we’re selling them for just $799.99!

This offer runs from Friday, February 26th to Thursday, March 3rd, 2016, or while supplies last. Limit one display per customer. Sorry, no rain checks. TM and © 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

TUTORIAL: How to sign PDFs using OS X’s Preview app

TUTORIAL: How to sign PDFs using OS X’s Preview app

Although a fully paperless office remains tantalizingly in the future, we get closer all the time. For many people, one of the most annoying uses of paper is the signature dance. You know how it goes—someone sends you a document via email that you need to sign, so you print it out and sign it. Then you have to figure out how to send it back: scan and email, run through the fax machine, or pop it in an envelope and mail it. There’s a better way, and it’s been built in to every copy of OS X since 10.7 Lion.

That’s right, the app you use to look at PDFs and images on the Mac boasts a feature that makes the signature dance a thing of the past.

You’ve likely used this surprisingly powerful program many times over the years: Preview. That’s right, the app you use to look at PDFs and images on the Mac boasts a feature that makes the signature dance a thing of the past. First, you create an image of your signature using either your Mac’s camera or its trackpad. Then you can drop that signature image into any PDF with just a couple of clicks, save the file, and email it back.

Follow these steps in Preview in OS X 10.11 El Capitan (earlier versions of OS X are similar):

  • Open the PDF you need to sign in Preview.
  • Click the Toolbox icon Preview app icon in the toolbar to reveal Preview’s markup tools.
  • Click the Signature icon: image02
  • To use the trackpad to make your signature, click Click Here to Begin, and start signing. Press any key when you’re done. Honestly, this is hard to do with a finger—click Clear to try again—so if you have a rubber-tipped iPad stylus, use that to make the writing easier. Click Done once you have a signature you like.
  • For an easier method, sign your name using a thick black marker on a white piece of paper that’s blank on the back. Then click Camera and hold your paper up to the camera. You can keep moving it around until the entire signature fits in the window and isn’t angled oddly. Once Preview captures it, click Done.image01
  • To sign the current PDF and any others in the future, click the Signature icon again and click your signature to insert it as a graphic that you can move around in the document and resize to fit into the appropriate space.image05

That’s it—you now have your own digital signature stamp! One final tip. You can create and insert multiple signatures, and while the authorities frown on forgery, Preview makes it easy for an assistant to affix the boss’s signature to documents that don’t need the real thing.

HOLIDAY HOURS: Connecting Point closing at 5pm New Year’s Eve

HOLIDAY HOURS: Connecting Point closing at 5pm New Year’s Eve

Connecting Point will remain open until 5 pm today (December 31st). This includes both sales and service departments.

If you’re a business owner, that means you still have time to take advantage of the IRSSection 179 deduction

IRS Form 4562 for claiming a Section 179 tax deductionWhat is Section 179, anyway?
When your business buys certain types of equipment, it usually writes them off a bit at a time through depreciation. In other words, if your company spends $50,000 on a machine, it gets to write off (say) $10,000 a year for five years (these numbers are for illustrative purposes only).

Now, while it’s true that this is better than no write off at all, most business owners would prefer to write off the entire equipment purchase price for the year they buy it.

That’s the purpose behind Section 179: To stimulate the American economy (and your business) to move in a positive direction. For most small businesses, the entire cost can usually be written off on their 2015 tax return. In fact, this year Congress raised the ceiling on the Section 179 deduction limit to $500,000.

So don’t miss out – talk to your financial advisor right away. If it makes sense, pick up the computer systems, devices, and peripherals your business needs to remain strong and competitive in the coming year. And Connecting Point will remain open until 5 pm on New Year’s Eve to help make that possible. We can even offer up to 18 months interest-deferred financing for qualified applicants.

For more detailed information about Section 179, visit the Section179.org website. We strongly advise talking to a qualified tax professional before making any decisions.