
Filters out harmful, fatiguing blue light from your TV, phone, tablet, or computer.

Most of us spend a lot of time staring at screens. Light in the blue spectrum can put strain on your peepers, resulting in eyestrain, eye irritation, headaches, and other symptoms. Blue Light Blocking Glasses are both lightweight and comfortable while preventing most of that blue light from reaching your eyes. The result: a more pleasant, less straining viewing experience. Constructed with high-quality acetate frames and composite lenses (non-polarized). They also block 100% of UV light, making them ideal for outdoor activities. And because they’re our featured Deal of the Week, we’re slashing the price in half: for a limited time, get these Blue Light Blocking Glasses for just $9.99! (reg. $19.99)

    This offer runs from Friday, September 24th through Thursday, September 30th, 2021, while supplies last. Sorry, no rain checks.

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